Civil Society Leaders Engage Puntland Ministers in SFS Forum

Somali Family Services in partnership with Diakonia Sweden held a civic engagement forum on government service provision at Hotel Panorama in Bosaso.  The forum held from 21st to 22nd June 2012 increased communication and cooperation between civil society and government officials. The forum targeted 55 civil society members, including traditional elders, media, women associations, youth, business community and religious groups. SFS also invited the Puntland Minister for Agriculture, Eng. Mohammed Haji Saleh and Director of Social Affairs, Local Governmnet of Bosaso, Ahmed Said Yusuf to speak about the work of their Ministries.

The participants were then invited to engage the Ministers. The civil society members challenged the officials on the lack of social services, especially health, in their region.

The participants appreciated the forum, stating that it is the first time since the civil war that they have sat down and interacted with a government minister. They expressed interest in interaction with ministers of security, education, health and interior.  The participants agreed that citizens have an right to be informed about public issues, to make the government accountable, and to express their own opinions and interests.  This forum intends to engage different ministries to provide information on the services they provide to the public to further enhance the knowledge of the public on the working of their government.

Somali Family Services is a non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering a peaceful and democratic Somalia through support of civil society, women, youth other marginalized groups

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