SFS Provides Seed Grants to 100 At-Risk Youth in Bosaso

Somali family Services provided seed capital grants to 100 at risk youth in Bosaso on the June 17th, 2012 to enable them start their own businesses. The youth, who were formed into 25 cooperatives each constituting of four beneficiaries, were given a cheque of USD 2000 per group.  Initially, the project had targeted 250 youth who were trained on entrepreneurship skills. The trainees entered a business plan competition where the best 100 business plans were selected.

The winners of the business plan competition were then trained on cooperative business and formed a group constituting of four beneficiaries to start their business based on their proposals. The remaining 125 youth were trained on vocational skills training in wielding, electricity, plumbing and office management whereas 25 youth were provided with job placement.

Different stakeholders including Deputy Governor, Deputy Mayor, representative from the Ministry of Security, local government, traditional and religious leaders were present during the event.

Yusuf Mu’min, the Deputy Governor expressed his gratitude to SFS and urged the youth to take advantage and make profit and not waste the money. His sentiments were echoed by all the speakers who made the youth aware that they will follow up and see what they have achieved.

The aim of the Youth at risk project is to contain and prevent violent conflict by engaging youth at risk through the creation of employment and livelihood opportunities at the district level.

Poverty and the high rate of unemployment of young people forces many of them to make appalling decisions like joining militia groups, piracy and gangs that assures them quick returns despite the risk and continued basic survival. This threatens efforts to promote peace, security, democracy, social, and economic development. SFS through collaboration with ILO, the Government and community of Puntland realized that in order to meaningfully engage the young people in peace building and prevent them from making harmful choices like joining militia, there is need for deliberate education and skill-building.

By improving the skills basis, it is expected that the at risk, unemployed, unskilled youth will have higher chances of finding employment opportunities. The benefits are expected to be socio‐economic due to access to income by trainees, growth of the local economy, a curb on illegal activities.

Somali Family Services is a non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering a peaceful and democratic Somalia through support of civil society, women, youth, and other marginalized groups

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