SFS Hosts Civic Engagement Forum in Galkayo

GALKAYO, Puntland, Somalia (24- 25 July 2012) – Somali Family Services, in partnership with Diakonia Sweden, held a civic engagement forum on government service provision at Hotel Classic in Galkayo. The forum, held from 24th to 25th June 2012, aimed at increasing communication and cooperation between civil society and government officials.The forum targeted 40 civil society members, including traditional elders, media, women associations, youth, business community and religious groups. SFS also invited representitvaes form the local governmnet of Galkaio to speak about the work of the municipality.

The participants were then invited to engage the municiplaity officals. The civil society members challenged the officials on the lack of social services, especially road maintenance.

The participants appreciated the forum, stating that it is the first time they have sat down and interacted with the local government. They expressed interest in interaction with ministers of security, education, health and interior.

Participants agreed the services the municipality provides don’t always meet the needs of the local communities. They pointed out to various community services that need to be given priority; they believed services such as roads expansion, road speed limits, street lighting and sewage collection and disposal are particularly important to the local community. Participants agreed these services have a direct and immediate effect on the quality of the live of the people in the community, and that poor services will contribute to the creation of unhealthy and unsafe living environment.

This forum is one of 10 discussion forums that have been or are currently being implemented by SFS in Puntland. These forums intends to engage different ministries to provide information on the services they provide to the public to further enhance the knowledge of the public on the working of their government.

Somali Family Services is a non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering a peaceful and democratic Somalia through the support of civil society, women, youth and other marginalized groups.


For more information, please contact Mohamed Hamud at mohamed.hamud@ussfs.org or visit www.ussfs.org.