“Now, I am self-employee. I made money with the skills I learned” Amina Sheikh Said.

Garowe, Puntland. On November 22, 2012, over 100 students from IDPs and host community has successfully graduated six months skill training they went through. The graduation ceremony took place at Somali Family Services (SFS) operational headquarter in Garowe Puntland. Well organized event attended by students, parents, teachers, committees, and other dignitaries.
SFS project officer, Bashir Ibrahim Jama briefed project activities to the partners and stakeholders. Bashir highlighted that the project beneficiaries where 70 of IDPs and 30 from host community. He added that the trainees were trained for six months on beauty salon, mechanics, tailoring and administration. Mr. Bashir emphasis “Without the support of UNHCR, MoI, MoPIC and Garowe Local Government this initiative could have been a challenging or impossible. We thank all our partners’ teachers, students and everyone who supported this initiative one way or another, he concluded his briefing.

 Amina Mohamed Sheikh is married women with four children and she came to Puntland in 2006. Amina is one of the IDPs who went six months skill training on beauty salon and she spoke on behalf of the group who went beauty salon course and she said “We thank Puntland government. We thank UNHCR. We thank SFS. We thank our teachers. Now, I am self-employee. I made money with the skills I learned. I used that money to support my children.” She added “During the Eid, my children were happy and celebrated with excitement.” Sheikh’s speech was emotional and she received applause from the audience.

 Abdiasis Nur Elmi, mayor of Garowe capital city of Puntland State of Somalia said “The products of the students displayed in front of us, is a testimony of the work well done by the students, SFS and UNHCR. I, the mayor of Garowe have professional and morale responsibilities to advocate and protect the rights of the IDPs. I have done everything in my power to change IDPs situation in Garowe.” Ahmed Bare, th Director General said “SFS has worked and coordinated with us very closely and without overstating SFS has delivered and executed this initiative with duty diligence and duty of care.” 

 Deputy Minister of Ministry of Interior made his closing remarks whereby he handed over the certificates to the 100 who completed the entire skill training course.  The minister said, “IDPs skills need to be enhanced, so that they could have the opportunity to support themselves and their families. Puntland has been the home of many IDPs since collapse of central government in Mogadishu. Puntland is committed to protect rights of the IDPs and refuges. The ministry of Interior developed IDP policy and this policy should be the guide of all our work toward IDPs. SFS and UNHCR are two organizations that we appreciate their services to the community.”

 Finally, Abdurashid Ali, Executive Director of Somalia Family Services thanked and appreciated everyone and mentioned “Improving employment opportunities for IDPs through Skill Training, and provision of short term employment made possible by SFS in partnership with UNHCR, MoI, MoPIC and Garowe Local Government.”

 “SFS envisions a peaceful, democratic Somalia in which all citizens have a meaningful voice in their government and the opportunity to thrive.” Want to learn more visits www.ussfs.org