SFS wraps up successful youth skills training in Garowe

In July 2011, 170 young Puntlanders completed a six-month youth skills training course with SFS. To prepare them to enter the workforce, SFS trained these 15- to 24-year-olds in a variety of practical skills, including communication, accounting and technology. SFS has already placed almost a quarter of the participants in paid jobs, another quarter as interns to continue developing their skills, and has commitments from local organizations to place another 30 percent of the young people in paid positions or internships shortly.

Those who have not yet found jobs are not discouraged. They are empowered by the skills they have learned, and are forming a youth group for jobseekers to support one another. The youth group has dubbed itself “Hope Seekers” and is already implementing the management skills SFS imparted by writing up the objectives, values and desired outcomes of their group. SFS is also continuing the search for placements for these young people and is providing ongoing support to them. SFS is confident that between its efforts and the peer support these hope seekers are receiving, the training will be successful in channeling the 170 young trainees’ efforts into productive means and reduce their vulnerability to joining criminal groups.