Sponsor Project

Somali Family Services is committed to transparency and accountibality to our funders. Based on huge needs on the ground in Somalia and Minnesota we developed different specific programs that donors or funders can choose from.

Institution Relationship

SFS coordinated with Minneapolis Community and Technical College to develop a sister relationship with Puntland State University (PSU) in Garowe and participated in a fund raiser for the need-based scholarship program that to date has supported 34 ambitious students at PSU.

Puntland Resource and Service Center

SFS has been working very actively since 2003 in a variety of development activities in the Puntland region of Somalia, including the recent establishment of the PRSC.  PRSC is a project initiated to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations of Puntland through technology transfer and capacity building.

Research Initiative

SFS Research Initiative: SFS builds upon our preliminary research findings by collaborating with higher education institutions (such as Minneapolis Community and Technical College, Metropolitan State Community College, and the University of Minnesota) to conduct research within the Somali community to obtain a deeper understanding and track the changes taking place within the Somali community in Minnesota and Somalia.

Youth Program

Youth Program: SFS established a tutoring program that addresses the particular needs of Somali students and a mentoring program that matches participants with experienced students and professionals who would help them take the proper steps to achieve their academic and professional goals.