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Somali Family Services Hosts Norwegian Councilor Farhia Bashir Nur

Somali Family Services (SFS) hosted Norwegian Labor Party Councilor Farhia Bashir Nur during her month-long visit to Puntland. Ms. Bashir Nur, one of two Somali women serving as council-members in Norway Norwegian, was visiting Somalia for the first time since 1994. She had the opportunity to meet with Puntland officials and speak at variety public events, including Puntland’s independence-day celebration at the Presidential palace. She also received a tour of SFS’ Puntland Library and Resource Center. SFS was proud to help bridge the gap between Puntland and Norway’s Somali Diaspora.
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SFS Provides Seed Grants to 100 At-Risk Youth in Bosaso

Somali family Services provided seed capital grants to 100 at risk youth in Bosaso on the June 17th, 2012 to enable them start their own businesses.
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Civil Society Leaders Engage Puntland Ministers in SFS Forum

Somali Family Services in partnership with Diakonia Sweden held a civic engagement forum on government service provision at Hotel Panorama in Bosaso.  The forum held from 21st to 22nd June 2012 increased communication and cooperation between civil society and government officials. The forum targeted 55 civil society members, including traditional elders, media, women associations, youth, business community and religious groups. SFS also invited the Puntland Minister for Agriculture, Eng. Mohammed Haji Saleh and Director of Social Affairs, Local Governmnet of Bosaso, Ahmed Said Yusuf to speak about the work of their Ministries.
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SFS Brings Taxation Forum to Bosaso

Somali Family Services conducted a two-day forum on taxation and revenue mobilization from the 19th – 20th June 2012 at Hotel Panorama in Bosaso Puntland. The forum which targeted 55 members from Government officials, traditional elders, media, women associations, youth, business community and religious groups, aimed to help participants understand and appreciate the importance of taxation and how it affects socio-economic development of Puntland, and to equip them with knowledge of tax and resource mobilization for further advocacy. The forum was funded Diakonia Sweden.
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SFS Hosts Grassroots Mobilization Training

Garowe, Puntland – Somali Family Services led a two-day training on grassroots mobilization strategies for 59 village leaders on June 17-18, 2012. Participants learned about the history and techniques of successful grassroots campaigns, and collaborated on effective mobilization strategies for pressing issues facing their communities, including clean water access, education, and police corruption. Somali Family Services’ Faysal Maatan and Dylan Groves led the workshop.Somali Family Services conducted the workshop as part of its ongoing program on democracy and civil society building in Puntland in partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy.
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