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SFS Leads Taxation Forum in Garowe

Garowe, Puntland – Somali Family Services brought together 51 civil society, business, government and religious leaders for a two-day forum on the emerging tax system on June 14 and 15. Participants, including 25 women leaders, debated the structure and purpose of revenue mobilization in Puntland, and developed recommendations to increase the system’s legitimacy and efficacy. Somali Family Services conducted the forum as part of a civil society-strengthening project across Puntland in partnership with Diakonia.
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SFS Provided First Tranche of Grants to Local Fish Vendors


Garowe, Puntland – On June 13 and June 14, 2012 Somali Family Services (SFS) provided its first 28 micro grants to local fish vendors and other entrepreneurs to support their businesses. The grants were part of a program to provide 155 small business owners with micro-grants throughout Nugaal, Puntland. The first 28 grants were dispersed in coordination with a workshop series on business literacy. SFS aimed most of the grants towards fish vendors from the local market in Garowe, but plans to make grants available to a variety of small business owners in the future. The micro-grants are part of an unprecedented project for SFS with the support of DFID and UNDP – PREP.
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Former SFS intern Eddie Tsibulevskiy invites Georgetown students to talk to SFS and the National Endowment for Democracy about challenges and progress in Somalia

On behalf of the Georgetown University Africa Forum, I would like to invite all of you to an exciting event on Thursday, February, 2012: “Challenges and Progress in Somalia,” a discussion with Somali Family Services (SFS) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). If you are interested in learning about development in Somalia or are looking for an incredible summer internship, do not miss this event! Event details are included in the attached flyer.
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Training in human rights, leadership and teamwork

On 15 January 2012, SFS Board Member Michal Moskow traveled from Minnesota to SFS’s Operational Headquarters in Garowe, Puntland.  Apart from meeting with community members, representatives of educational institutions, government officials and donors, Michal conducted a two-day training designed to help SFS’s field staff build their capacities and apply human rights concepts to all aspects of their programs.
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SFS conducts outreach projects for youth at risk in Puntland

A project aimed at engaging youth at risk in productive activities, and at preventing them from joining violent groups, was launched in November 2012 in Bosaso and Galkayo. The project, funded by the Government of Japan, is being implemented by Somali Family Services in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO), UNDP and UNICEF. The project’s aim is to engage 475 youth in activities that provide them with entrepreneurship and vocational skills, as well as experience in labor-intensive work.
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