Current Projects

Building Resilient School Communities in Somalia through Basic Education

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October 12, 2019

To address the situation and needs on the ground. The project will have direct positive impact on education and can be addressed through this resilience project as per the below key implementation strategies and approaches:

Capacity building of teachers to improve attendance and learning outcome both at Primary level – covering topics like classroom pedagogy, literacy, numeracy, psychosocial support, extra classes, life skills, health and hygiene, measuring learning outcomes, etc.Model ECD centers, training for ECD facilitators, focusing on ECD, early grade reading and numeracy and positive discipline

Formation of CECs and training to strengthen community-based social safety nets that will support community outreach to the most marginalized and vulnerable children and household, capitation grants to support community-level resilience strengthening, role of CEC in individual child grant, advance girls education, enrolment and attendance of children in school  – Health and hygiene, Financial management child protection messages, including Gender-based Violence and Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, early marriages and pregnancy, social and cultural norms, strategies necessary for building the resilience of children, families and communities.

Sensitization and capacity building of Head teachers, Education officers on leadership, financial management, safe school, health and hygiene, monitoring, instructional leadership to assist teachers in the self-learning process, organize school-level professional development activities and to provide constructive feedback to classroom teachers and CECs

Building capacity for Child-to-Child clubs- covering issues like mobilization of community/families to send children to school, organization of various school events and peer to peer learning activities, attendance, life skill, girls’ empowerment initiatives, including training girls with the necessary skills to defend themselves against violence, empower adolescent girls to believe in their dignity and to foster their self-esteem with the goals of delaying marriage and preventing early pregnancy.


Our Strategic Partners

*** Diakonia Sweden.
*** National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
*** United Nation High Commission for Refugees.
***Save the Children.
*** Relief International.
*** CARE International.
*** ADRA.
*** United Nation Development Programme (UNDP).
*** International Labor Organization (ILO).
*** United Nation for Somalia (UNSOM).
*** UNFPA.
*** Books for Africa.
*** Education Development Center (EDC).
*** Counterpart Internationa.l
*** Puntland Library and Resource Center
*** Radio



September 2024