Current Projects

SFS-Managed Radio Sahan expands to promote Puntland communities’ pressing issues

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October 10, 2014

Radio Sahan, a public affairs Radio station established by SFS on May 2013 maintains to serve as a public affairs radio and platform to promote community’s interest; information sharing on various pressing issues for the Somali communities, including social justice, youth empowerment, human rights, democracy and good governance. Sahan has outstandingly placed itself at the forefront of efforts to promote effective, balanced reporting on governance and citizen participation in public policy. In this, it represents the frontline of free, independent media within Puntland.

The Radio serves as voice for the marginalized groups; in particular, Radio Sahan engages groups such as youth, women, girls IDPs and the pastoral nomads. It supports nomadic communities by designing programs that respond to their specific needs and providing a platform to voice their vision for Puntland. Radio Sahan provides women and youth with space to air their voices and raise their problems, participate in community-related issues that matter most to them.

Radio Sahan is committed to promote healthy society through airing programs that focus on health, education and peace building. It provides a crucial source of information for Puntland citizens, and works to promote active, responsible citizenship through involvement in advocacy and public policy. It also engages civil society groups in promoting social justice. It provides citizens with the opportunity to pose questions to local, regional and national government officials directly while sometimes organizing round table live debates. These dialogues will enhances Puntland citizens’ understanding of governmental responsibility and help clarify the constraints often faced by nascent, democratic institutions and the limited resources with which they must operate.

Expanded its coverage

So as to extend Radio Sahan programs to immediate listeners  beyond Garowe and the rurals, Radio Sahan expanded its coverage. This has enabled  the nomadic people to take advantage and participate in the ongoing programs and discussions and share their views.

Moreover, having boosted our coverage now reaches 150 km all directions outside of Garowe and Radio Sahan listenership to be at 21,875 individuals and households with 1,800 active callers and participants.



Our Strategic Partners

*** Diakonia Sweden.
*** National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
*** United Nation High Commission for Refugees.
***Save the Children.
*** Relief International.
*** CARE International.
*** ADRA.
*** United Nation Development Programme (UNDP).
*** International Labor Organization (ILO).
*** United Nation for Somalia (UNSOM).
*** UNFPA.
*** Books for Africa.
*** Education Development Center (EDC).
*** Counterpart Internationa.l
*** Puntland Library and Resource Center
*** Radio



July 2024